Appreciating the Broad Field of Public Health

Kathleen Bonner, MPH

Meet Kathleen Bonner, MPH

Oregon State University
Health Policy, International Health
Contact Kathleen

For Kathleen, a Master’s in public health meant options and opportunity. She started grad school pursuing a Master’s of Public Policy but felt so drawn to all of her classes that she realized she needed a degree that offered her a broader scope of study. She also realized that she wanted a public health focus with a policy emphasis, not the other way around. The Master’s in public health turned out to be just what she was looking for.

Now as a professional at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kathleen appreciates even more the expansiveness of the field of public health. She can make an impact using health promotion, international health, health policy, and behavioral health to name a few, all the while joining with her colleagues to reach the overarching goal of improving community health.

Finding Work in Public Health

Kathleen graduated in 2009, just as the U.S. economy was beginning its epic downturn. This was obviously not the best job environment for a new grad and it took time for Kathleen to find work that matched her specific MPH skill set. Kathleen realizes now that her willingness to leave her college town in Oregon opened up employment opportunities for her.

Kathleen’s Advice for MPH Grads

Kathleen advises MPH grads to not limit themselves to one place when looking for employment. Allowing yourself a wider field of job locations will open doors to opportunity.

Kathleen also advises grads to make as many connections as possible. Stay connected with your MPH advisor and cohort and be proactive about meeting people at your work or volunteer experiences. Also consider joining public health listservs to find out about training and employment opportunities.

Contact Kathleen

Questions for Kathleen? Click here.